Advocates for Homeless Families’ mission is to achieve permanent solutions to homelessness by providing access to housing, employment, education, and intensive case management services to Frederick County homeless individuals and families with custody of one or more minor children.
Established in 1988 Advocates for Homeless Families has successfully provided housing and services to more than 3,000 individuals and families who ultimately overcame homelessness, enhanced their lives, and became active members of their community. We started with one rental apartment in 1988, and since then grew our housing stock to 12 single-unit, scattered-site properties in Frederick County.
We are proud to report that we have a 95% success rate with those households that graduate from our Emergency Transitional Housing Program and a 90% success rate in our Rapid Rehousing Program. Most will never be homeless again.

Located at:
216 Abrecht Place, Frederick, MD 21701
Hours: 10:00AM -4:00pm
Telephone: 301-662-2003 Fax: 301-662-3689